If you’re in an emergency situation, and you need assistance as soon as possible, then please call 000 (Australia’s emergency call service). We can only treat non-emergency and non-life threatening illnesses and conditions. Yes! House Call Doctor is 100% bulk billed for all Medicare or DVA card holders. Our service is also available all day on public holidays. Weekends: Starting Saturday noon and 24 hours on Sunday Weekdays (Monday to Friday): 6 PM to 8 AM the next day House Call Doctor can treat you in your home during the following hours: Simply call 13 55 66 to find out how we can help. As long as your condition isn’t an emergency or directly life-threatening, then we’ll most likely be able to treat you and help you recover. Please keep in mind that these are just some of the many things that our doctors can treat for you at your home. Post-operative care – includes catheterisation, wound care, etc.The following are some of the conditions and ailments that our clients commonly use our service for: In general, our practitioners deal with category 4 or 5 medical conditions, which are classified as non-life threatening.

Our doctors can treat a wide variety of conditions and ailments that are non-emergency issues. If we can’t get a doctor out to you, we recommend 13 Doctor for online doctor telehealth consultations.
#Doctors who make home visits near me professional#
When it comes to a professional and reliable home doctor in Brisbane and other parts of Queensland, look no further than House Call Doctor, your trusted choice in after hours GP home care. We also bulk bill for all Medicare and DVA card holders, which means no out of pocket expenses for the patient. In fact, we now care for Queenslanders in more locations than any other after hours service. We’re wholly Queensland-owned and managed, providing medical services right throughout Queensland’s major cities and regional hubs. Just like the old days, we are bringing the traditional “House Call” back. With our service, not only will you receive treatment when your regular GP clinic or doctor is closed, but you’ll also be treated by one of our doctors in the comfort of your own home. House Call Doctor is a home visiting doctor's service that’s redefining the home doctor service in Queensland